
What leggings do I wear as a personal trainer?

Zyia leggings

So you may be wondering what leggings I wear as a yoga teacher and personal trainer.  Here’s my review of my current favourite leggings.  These leggings can also be bought online. The Zyia Active Light and Tight leggings are amazing, and they stay up even through tough workouts, and without cutting in.  I’m not a […]

What is Yogalates?

Outdoor yoga class

I’ve taught a couple of classes recently which have been a fusion of Yoga and Pilates.  I like to call this Yogalates.  So what do these classes look like? We’ve got a little snippet below to give you an idea what these classes look like. We can’t wait to share one of these classes with […]

What does good form in a plank look like?


How do I perform a plank correctly?  So often I see clients having issues with planks.  Planks are one of those exercises that can cause so many issues, and low back pain when not done correctly. Here’s a video I made up today sharing a few tips and tricks on how to perform and hold […]

Why Yin Yoga?


Why Yin Yoga? Yin yoga has some great benefits in today’s modern world, but is often underrated, and not given much time, in many yoga studios. Here, Sarah shares a few reasons Yin yoga is amazing. In today’s modern yoga studios, Vinyasa is often what is practiced. Vinyasa is generally a flowing style of yoga, […]

Love your yoga mat?

Love your yoga mat

Love your yoga mat? So do we. Sometimes, you just need to get out on your yoga mat, and use your breath to calm your mind. This is one of the reasons I started teaching yoga, and this is definitely what I love about the practice. Do you need to get some quiet in your […]

Get moving: 13 minute Vinyasa sequence

Sometimes when everything seems to be a bit crazy, you just need to get out of your head, move your body, and breathe. To help with this, we’ve got a short 13 minute Vinyasa sequence you can do in your lunch break to get your body moving. You can also book a class with us, […]

Free 12 minute yoga sequence

12 min yoga sequence

Are you looking for something to get your blood flowing while you’re at home? Don’t have any equipment? We’ve got you covered with a great, short, sharp, and free 12 minute yoga sequence you can do at home. If you’d like more of this type of content, why not consider a membership? Alternatively, contact us, […]

Introducing Online Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

Introducing Online Yoga, meditation and mindfulness options from SGD Body & Beauty: We will soon be launching online yoga classes, meditation sessions, a learn to meditate course, and mindfulness sessions. We will also be aiming to add online fitness and potentially barre classes as well to consolidate our offering. We’ve found that yoga and mindfulness, […]

Happy New Year: Reflecting Gives Perspective

Reflecting at the end of last year gave me perspective on a few things. Ever notice how two people can see the same thing and have completely different interpretations of exactly the same event?  I’ve been reflecting on this recently, as it’s quite removed from the way we often think.  Often in science, things are […]